დააზღვიეთ ავტომობილები აუქციონებიდან
დამატებითი იფორმაციისთვის დაგვიკავშირდით ან მიმართეთ დილერს.
Calculate the price from an auction to the port. Choose the auction in the first field, and the city where you want to send the car from - in the second field. You will see available ports and prices in the third field
Auto Lazi Ltd.
We offer all kinds of cars from auctions as well as car dealership companies from all over the world
We will help you to participate in any ongoing aucion and will help you in your talks with different car
dealership companies.
Apart from cars, we also offer help in buying trucks, verifying their status and sending them to any
given destination.
Our Advantages